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5 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Feb 02, 2023 12:09 PM


3 Back Road W
st ives c
FeB 26 1935

Dear Sir glad To Receve your
letter That your a little Better
i am also glad for what you have
Don for The home quit Satasfied
Every little is help Their is a lot
of money thron away That Could
do more good Than lots of people puts
in i hope others That got a lot will do a
little and not Through money away in
what is no good To Body nor Soal
i must with love To all
from your friend alfred wallis


3 Back Road W
st ives c
FeB 26 1935

Dear Sir glad To Receve your
letter That your a little Better
i am also glad for what you have
Don for The home quit Satasfied
Every little is help Their is a lot
of money thron away That Could
do more good Than lots of people puts
in i hope others That got a lot will do a
little and not Through money away in
what is no good To Body nor Soal
i must with love To all
from your friend alfred wallis