Alfred Wallis


Alfred Wallis to Jim Ede - 14 September 1934



Sep 14 1934Dear Sir Receved your

Letter chequ all Rightwith Thanks.verry glad you Receved

Them all Right and That youare pleas i should lik foryou To Com and serlect for your Self any Tim

opin you are all Well andmr Nicholls familyfrom your Ttrue friendalfred Wallis No 3 BackRoad W st Ives c

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade

Alfred Wallis to Jim Ede - 19 December 1934 (1)

Letter (recto)

Letter (recto)

alfred Wallis Dec 19 19343 Back Road West Dear Sir i Receved yourletter and oader with Than Ks

i have a few here ButThey are Two large for The post if Their was any one Coming Down you Knewand would Take ThemTo you They Could haveThemi RemBer a man with mr nichollson he w[s]as a strainger To me i neversaw him Befor i Clas wishin you all a merry Christmas andand a New Year when

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade
All 2 records