Letter (recto)


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7 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Jan 30, 2023 12:10 PM

Letter (recto)

alfred Wallis Dec 19 1934
3 Back Road West
Dear Sir i Receved your
letter and oader with Than Ks

i have a few here But
They are Two large for
The post if Their was any
one Coming Down you Knew
and would Take Them
To you They Could have
i RemBer a man with
mr nichollson he w[s]as a
strainger To me i never
saw him Befor
i Clas wishin you all
a merry Christmas and
and a New Year when

Letter (recto)

alfred Wallis Dec 19 1934
3 Back Road West
Dear Sir i Receved your
letter and oader with Than Ks

i have a few here But
They are Two large for
The post if Their was any
one Coming Down you Knew
and would Take Them
To you They Could have
i RemBer a man with
mr nichollson he w[s]as a
strainger To me i never
saw him Befor
i Clas wishin you all
a merry Christmas and
and a New Year when