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15 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Feb 02, 2023 10:01 AM


Sep 14 1934
Dear Sir Receved your

Letter chequ all Right
with Thanks
.verry glad you Receved

Them all Right and That you
are pleas i should lik for
you To Com and serlect for
your Self any Tim

opin you are all Well and
mr Nicholls family
from your Ttrue friend
alfred Wallis No 3 Back
Road W st Ives c


Sep 14 1934
Dear Sir Receved your

Letter chequ all Right
with Thanks
.verry glad you Receved

Them all Right and That you
are pleas i should lik for
you To Com and serlect for
your Self any Tim

opin you are all Well and
mr Nicholls family
from your Ttrue friend
alfred Wallis No 3 Back
Road W st Ives c