Note (recto)


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8 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Jan 27, 2023 10:28 AM

Note (recto)

Island Port Mear Beach
The old House in poart mea[r]
and a Bit of Back Road

The next is The HarBour
and The old sayne Boats
and Two Saynes shoot with
what used To Be

and The old Beakwate[r]
you will Be aBle To shaw
what used To Be
whin saynes was shoot
Their have Been as much as 7 sayns
shoot at one Time

Note (recto)

Island Port Mear Beach
The old House in poart mea[r]
and a Bit of Back Road

The next is The HarBour
and The old sayne Boats
and Two Saynes shoot with
what used To Be

and The old Beakwate[r]
you will Be aBle To shaw
what used To Be
whin saynes was shoot
Their have Been as much as 7 sayns
shoot at one Time