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12 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Feb 02, 2023 10:01 AM


From alfred Wallis st ives c
Feb 12 1934
sir i have sint on a Parcle
as They are Dray i think They
will do as They are what used t[o]
Be most all i do is what use to
Be in ships and Boats what yo[u]
phrape what you will never see ?
agy – any more i like sailin Creff
for Looks
so i must Clos wilshing you
good speed From your friend
alfred Wallis


From alfred Wallis st ives c
Feb 12 1934
sir i have sint on a Parcle
as They are Dray i think They
will do as They are what used t[o]
Be most all i do is what use to
Be in ships and Boats what yo[u]
phrape what you will never see ?
agy – any more i like sailin Creff
for Looks
so i must Clos wilshing you
good speed From your friend
alfred Wallis