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6 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Feb 02, 2023 09:37 AM


Jan 8 1935
Dear Sir i Receved
your letter i Thought i would
give The Docters home
That lot of pictures
out of Charity and yow
Bein in london you
would Know Best Wher
To Drop it . to
you must Take it in
faith i am Doing it
To help for it is all
needed when you git
Them i hope They will
pleas i Do it to help and
give mrs Elles somthin
for TrouBle for fethn Them
out of it
Your Truly a walli


Jan 8 1935
Dear Sir i Receved
your letter i Thought i would
give The Docters home
That lot of pictures
out of Charity and yow
Bein in london you
would Know Best Wher
To Drop it . to
you must Take it in
faith i am Doing it
To help for it is all
needed when you git
Them i hope They will
pleas i Do it to help and
give mrs Elles somthin
for TrouBle for fethn Them
out of it
Your Truly a walli