Letter (recto)


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27 revisions
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade at Feb 02, 2023 10:01 AM

Letter (recto)

[left-hand page]

april 24 1924
alfred wallis Back Roadw
st Ives
Dear Sir
i Receved your letter
all R[a]ight and That
as The other gentelman
is gon away For a viset
so it is no good Ritin hi[m]
ontill he Coms hom again
you also menttened
aBout your Brother law
i got som paintins here
when They are Dry
i should Think i have
a scar weather They would
suit him i Do not know
i like Them my self
i Think They are pretty
fa[r]r Sort

[right-hand page]

Sir you mentined aBout
The i thought it not
nessery To paint it all
around so i never Danit
[o] Did you geve me any
Thing when you ad
The Box for it and i
Did not pay you Back
if so send and leave
me know and i will
send it on i Think
The price was 2 shillen
a woman Cam in one
Day and Bought som
pictures and i sold
it For 2 shillings
if you paid me at The
Time and i never paid
you Back Tell me a[a]nd
i will send it on
i Cannot say

Letter (recto)

[left-hand page]

april 24 1924
alfred wallis Back Roadw
st Ives
Dear Sir
i Receved your letter
all R[a]ight and That
as The other gentelman
is gon away For a viset
so it is no good Ritin hi[m]
ontill he Coms hom again
you also menttened
aBout your Brother law
i got som paintins here
when They are Dry
i should Think i have
a scar weather They would
suit him i Do not know
i like Them my self
i Think They are pretty
fa[r]r Sort

[right-hand page]

Sir you mentined aBout
The i thought it not
nessery To paint it all
around so i never Danit
[o] Did you geve me any
Thing when you ad
The Box for it and i
Did not pay you Back
if so send and leave
me know and i will
send it on i Think
The price was 2 shillen
a woman Cam in one
Day and Bought som
pictures and i sold
it For 2 shillings
if you paid me at The
Time and i never paid
you Back Tell me a[a]nd
i will send it on
i Cannot say